Around SA in 80 Desserts - The Second Set of 10 Desserts

Posted by Unknown
Around SA in 80 Desserts - The Second Set of 10 Desserts
I have posted the second list of 10 desserts . I will blog about each and every dessert so you as the reader have a chance to try all the de...

10 down 70 to GO! Van der Hum liqueur

Posted by Unknown
10 down 70 to GO! Van der Hum liqueur
We are 10 desserts down dear foodies! Only 70 left to go! It did take me 40 days to complete the first 10 but it’s all a working progress. ...

9 down 71 to GO! Appel Tert – Apple Pie

Posted by Unknown
9 down 71 to GO! Appel Tert – Apple Pie
It has been a very cold and rainy weekend in Cape Town. Sometimes your trusty woollen jersey, a glass of 20 year old brandy or a fireplace r...

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