I have found a couple of prober websites offering information regarding cooking for the novice but the same stupid problem arose every time. You had to either buy their book or pay per view much like pornography in order to receive ANY information at all. Feeling deflated was inevitable.
This gave me an idea to change my current blog from restaurant reviews and complex but amazing recipes to something simpler and more desired. A quick and easy one stop blog for both seasoned cooks and beginners to be able to find any information regarding cooking at a singular reliable source.
This blog will be simple, easy and unique, because it will lead the cook infallibility from the handling of raw ingredients, through each essential step of a recipe, to the final creation of a delicate confection. We will cover basic cooking topics such as safety, tools and equipment, preparation, fixing cooking disasters, measurements, conversions and understanding ingredients only to name a few.
If you are a food lover and would like to learn how to cook starting at the bare basics for beginners or feeling confident to take on advanced cooking and becoming a master chef in your own kitchen then this blog is definitely for you.