Sudafrica Pesce al Sale

Posted by Unknown

Some things in life need to be enjoyed in their simplest form. Fish baked in a salt crust is a perfect example of this. It’s stupidly simply but absolutely brilliant. The salt encloses the fish completely, flavouring the fish and sealing in the moisture, making the flesh succulent and tasty.

I grew up with mutton, lamb and venison so naturally I have pretty strong opinions about fish and seafood. I don’t consider myself a fish purist and in the past I would have mind coming face to face with the animal that I am eating specifically when I am eating it, but nowadays it’s all the same to me. Put a fish in front of me, beady eyes, flapping head, lips, fins-and-all I will love it just as much as a piece of fish stripped down and deep fried into a crispy golden fillet smothered in sauce.

I have made this dish once before and it was absolutely to die for. I decided to try it again but this time with a bit of South African flare. The fish I used for this dish was West Coast Sole, a mouth-watering and scrumptious fish. Size-wise 600g’s did leave is us hungry for more. Luckily for me I bought, yes not made, bought  a fresh Chiabatta that saved the night and helped avoid an embarrassing ‘Please, sir, I want some more’ scenario.

Take a leap of faith and give this recipe a try. It is quick, super easy and very cheap. You will not regret it! It is the easiest dish that you will ever make and the end result will be absolutely scrumptious.

Post your comments! I want to hear from YOU! 

Sudafrica Pesce al Sale

  • A sprig of fresh thyme, rosemary or myrtle – “I used Thyme for this dish”
  • 1x500-800g West Coast Sole, gutted, head, tail, fins and scales kept on, and gills removed. "Red Mullet, sea breem, seas bass or dover sole works just as great."
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1.3kg coarse sea salt
  • 180ml water

Step 1 – Preheat your oven to 240C or as high as it will go.

Step 2 – Put the herb sprig inside the cavity of the fish and season generously with sea salt and black pepper.

Step 3 – Mix the course sea salt with the water in a bowel and make 1cm layer of the mixture in an ovenproof backing tray.

Step 4 – Place the fish on top and cover it with more salt, piling it over to coat the fish with a layer 1cm thick. Pat the salt over the fish carefully, following its shape.

Step 5 – Place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes, then take it out and leave it in its salt for about 5 minutes, until cool enough to handle. Break open the salt crust and remove the fish to a warm serving plate. Serve with some lemon and a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil. Enjoy with a glass of cold white wine. 


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