Around SA in 80 Desserts - The Second Set of 10 Desserts

Posted by Unknown
I have posted the second list of 10 desserts. I will blog about each and every dessert so you as the reader have a chance to try all the delicious desserts yourself. Only after all the desserts on each list has been made and blogged about will I post the next set of 10 until all 80 has been made. 

The second set of 10 desserts for the 'Around South Africa in 80 Desserts' challenge

Blou Maans


Soet gebakte kwepers

Outydse Soetkoekkies

Gebakte appel



Peppermint crispt fridge tart

Nat koek

Cremora fridge tart

I am making 80 desserts, what are you doing? 


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