3 down 77 to GO! 'Melkkos van Frummels'

Posted by Unknown
Ask a South African (especially an Afrikaans South African) if they know what Melkkos is and invariably they will go all misty eyed and flushed with pleasure and take you on a magical memory trip into their childhood.  

 “Melkkos (literal translation Milk Food) is that simple, easy to make, very cheap and cheerful comforting dish that can be classified as breakfast, supper or dessert. Melkkos is a traditional Afrikaans dish that most will recall with fond memories of mothers making and serving it to them on a Sunday evening when a simple quick meal was needed after the marathon midday sojourn around the dinner table groaning under the weight of roast meats, roast potatoes, rice, pumpkin and a selection of vegetables, always followed by a dessert or two.”

There is no English word for Melkkos and describing it as "meal made from milk" doesn't do justice to this wonderful dish that will warm up even the most dismal of winter days. Melkkos is comfort food at its best.


  • 2 litre milk
  • 250ml (1 cup) flour
  • 2,5 ml (1/2 tsp) salt
  • 15 ml (1 tbs) soft butter

Step 1 – Bring the milk to a boil. (Keep an eye on your milk, don’t let it burn or boil over)
Step 2 – Sift the flour and the salt together. 
Step 3 – Rub the soft butter with your fingertips into the flour until it resembles bread crumbs.
Step 4 – Bit by bit add the butter and flour ‘crumbs’ to the boiling milk while constantly stirring. 
Step 5 – Turn the heat down and let it simmer for 8-10 minutes.


Serve hot with a generous sprinkle of cinnamon sugar. 


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